
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Images of Integration

Slice and dice: that's how I think about the calculus topic of Integration - take something complicated, slice into increasingly fine slices, then put it all back together. In my quest to encourage my students to see this theme in the wonderful world around them, here is a selection of images I used this term to help show the idea, generously made available by people around the world through a Creative Commons License on Flickr. If you're taking great photographs - think about sharing them under Creative Commons - a wonderful resource for teachers to help inspire students.

Graceful flowing curves on the Bay St. Louis bridge
Bay St, St Louis Bridge by Alaskan Dude on Flickr
La Ágora
La Agora, be el.manu on Flickr
L'Hemisferic by el.manu on Flickr
Tower by timtom, on Flickr
Untitled, by SymoO, on Flickr

The idea of looking for visual representations inspired one of my students to take a photo of the magnificent Neuroscience Research Australia under construction across the road from our school - which just screams at me "Area under the curve!" every time I walk past it.

Neuroscience Research Australia building 2012 - under construction.
Photo by J Yu - used with permission.

This is part 3 of a series of posts on teaching Integration.
Part 2:  Exploring Inequality - an entry point to calculus

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